The productivity at work is mostly dependent on the availability of jobs and to acquire and maintain skills relevant to the work they perform. To address this issue, countries, enterprise and even individuals are seeking and investing in skills. Even world leaders have started implementing this by putting quality jobs at recovery so that they preserve employment and prioritize growth. They have also acknowledged the role of Skill Training & Employment for Men and women alike to be included in the employment-oriented framework for robust and sustained economic growth.
The need for skill development:
The cornerstone for having a skilled workforce is the availability of quality education as the necessary foundation for future training and matching skills to the needs of the labor markets. The other approach is the ability of workers and companies to adjust to the changing technology and demands. Anticipating and preparing for the skills is also an essential aspect of skill development. When this is successfully implemented, men and women are more likely to have more rewarding and productive jobs. All in all, a good education complemented with skill training will prepare the youth for productive lives. That stands well especially for youth who are on the lookout for their first jobs as they are well prepared for a smooth transition from studies to work. Even working men can update their skills or learn new ones who will make them more employable.
Benefits of skill training
On an individual level, Undergoing skill development enables people to work productively and also provides more opportunities to have a fulfilling job. On the whole, the economic growth of a country is dependant on the number of people employed and even their work productivity. There are studies which provide enough evidence to support the fact that there is interdependence on education, skills with productivity and economic growth. So good education and quality training are incredibly relevant and essential to the labor industry.
- People are empowered to seize employment opportunities and work at their best.
- Better productivity for both the employers and the employees
- Contributes to further development in innovation
- Encourages investment which leads to further job growth.
- Reduces poverty and economic disparity
Quality of skill training and its relevance
Skill development can happen only if quality training is provided and that can occur when there are trainers who are qualified and have all the updated knowledge. The training institutes should be able to attract quality and talented staff. The training infrastructure should be top notch, and there has to periodic reviews to assess the effectiveness of the training techniques implemented. New technology and training methods along with the flexibility to adjust the curriculum according to the market needs are also essential. Trainers also need to have their skills updated to adapt to the changing curricula. Skills standards should be set and periodically checked. Workplace training is also critical for companies as that makes employees relevant. Apart from the technical skills, soft-skills like communication, problem-solving, etc. is also necessary for the dynamic labor market.
To conclude, a skill training strategy should have the foundation skills and reliable connection with the education and work. To accomplish this, you will need an education that is of good-quality as a student. They should also have the required information on the skills they need to stay relevant in a labor market. The economy and the society, in general, can benefit from both the education and the skill training. The companies should recognize the skills and competencies that people possess and effectively utilize it in their workplace so that they are more productive. Failure to upgrade skills leads to loss of jobs and overall poor quality of life.